• Step 1 : You need a copy of Windows XP installation CD. If you don’t have your own CD, you can borrow from a friend for using. This is what you need for starting your computer or booting up for starting the Recovery Console.
• Step 2 : Ensure that the BIOS in your machine is set for booting from CD-ROM instead of booting from your hard drive. This being done, insert in the CD-ROM drive your Windows install CD and then boot your machine.
• Step 3 : You will get the ‘Press any key to boot from CD…’ message, and then hit any key for booting from the Windows install CD. Now Windows will be loading its files and when it’s done, Windows will ask you whether you want to repair or install. Hit ‘R’ for accessing Recovery Console.
• Step 4 : When you are at the Recovery Console, you will be asked what install you want to get repaired by Windows. You may press ‘1’ as this is usually the first one. In case you had a password set when you initially installed Windows XP, you are required to type it.
• Step 5: After being logged on successfully, you will find yourself on C:\Windows; rename the old system file to SYSTEM.BAK if anything goes wrong.
• Step 6 : Now restart your machine by typing ‘exit’. On the computer starting up, do not press any key to continue booting using the hard drive.
If problems persist, you may contact a remote computer Repair provider for further computer help.